
Market timing

Our algorithms process raw on-chain and derivatives market data to compile the most digestable representation of market activity. By looking at BTC and ETH, our AI models detect trends and reversals for the entire ecosystem with great accuracy.

Fundamental Analysis

Our algorithms analyze blockchain and transaction data every day to evaluate several aspects of Ethereum applications. By looking directly into blockchain data, our system detects strong and rising fundamentals earlier than any human could.

We utilize the insights gained from our research to guide the fund's investment strategies.

About Us

Our team specializes on modeling blockchain network activity and developing machine learning models tailored for crypto markets. We owe our first achievements in blockchain quantitative systems to the expertise acquired by our founder and CEO, Henry Decléty, through his tenure at EPFL (2017-2019) and academic research with the AI startup Turin Tech (2020).

With years of trading experience and the use of gradually smarter tools, we've come to rely heavily on our AI-based systems.


SmartWealth is our Asset Manager, regulated by FINMA and based in Zurich.
Bitcoin Suisse is our custodian, based in Zug.

Why Bitcoin Suisse?
In the crypto custody solutions landscape, there exist very few as good as Bitcoin Suisse. Most custody & trading platforms are not regulated, not audited and carry collateral bankruptcy risks. Meanwhile Bitcoin Suisse, established in Switzerland since 2013, has a 100M CHF guarantee from Zuger Kantonalbank for its daily operation and segregated vaults with ISAE 3402 audited custody for cold storage.


With an eye on the impending crypto bull market, we have devised a strategy that centers around the Ethereum ecosystem, which we believe will lead the way. Our strategy comprises of three sub-strategies, designed to exploit both the market's volatility and upside potential. Altogether, we aim to deliver robust and steady returns.

Find more details in our pitch deck and summary document.


Reach us at

Anaideia Sàrl
1 Avenue de Sévelin 13a
1004 Lausanne